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Ghosts Of The Cornhusker State | Scary Female Entity Peers Through Mirrors | The Wheat Growers Hotel | Kimball, Nebraska | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Wheat Growers Hotel located in Kimball, Nebraska, was built in 1918 and has some truly terrifying history.

The hotel kitchen was originally connected to underground tunnels which led to a secret speakeasy during the prohibition.

One night a lady was accidently locked inside the tunnels.

Can we even imagine how terrifying that must have been?

Nobody ever heard her screams, she died all alone from starvation and dehydration trapped within the deep dark grasp of Nebraskas underworld.

This hotel is renowned for its reports of paranormal activity and it is believed her ghost haunts the location today.

Her goal?

It seems this spirit wants to keep the living away from the premises and has been seen angrily scowling from bedrooms windows and staring, with a sinister smile, at guests through bathroom mirror reflections.

I think the Cornhusker State really does live up to its reputation as being one Americas spookiest places.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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