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Glowing Red Eyes And Ghostly Green Orbs | Moraine State Park | Butler County Pennsylvania | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Moraine State Park in Butler County, Pennsylvania, officially opened in May 1970.

This location is recognised for its original glacial remains which date back over 11,000 years.

The park is a popular recreation destination covering a substantial 16,725 acres.

Moraine was initially inhabited by the native tribes who fought in the Beaver war during the 1600s and were overtaken by the Iroquois tribes.

During the 1700s English settlers and furtrappers claimed the land, immediately establishing farms, mining limestone, oil and clay. Those mines are now sealed and the wells are capped.

President George Washington himself travelled this area as a young Colonel in the militia, risking his life walking through the town as he attempted to warn the French that the British had already occupied the area.

Moraine State Park remains open today offering hiking, camping, hunting and biking options.

The town has witnessed many fatalities over the years and bodies laid to rest on sacred native burial grounds have often been vandalised and desecrated.

The park is rumored to be home to countless restless spirits, and visitors frequently encounter unexplained phenomena including the sighting of Nancy.

In 1871 a local lady named Nancy McCandless was shot through the head, later revealed to be the merciless actions of a jealous ex husband, Robert Silas McCandless.

Nancys apparition has been seen to visibly rise from her grave and aimlessly wonder the park.

Chillingly, Nancy is not the only apparition encountered here, there have been literally hundreds of sightings of many spirits roaming this location.

An entity known as Old Red Eyes, who manifests as a black mass form with glowing red eyes, is often seen peering at the living, concealed in surrounding foliage and bushes.

Some have considered that this could be the legendary sasquatch whilst others are convinced it is a malevolent entity.

Other interesting phenomena are the mysterious ghostly green colored floating orbs seen hovering just above ground level.

Could this sites tumultuous past and graveyard desecrations have disturbed resting spirits from their slumber?

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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