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Manifesting Footprints And Grieving Spirits At Kenyon College | Gambier Ohio | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, is the oldest private Liberal Arts college in the State.

The College is known for being home to the Brown Family Environmental Center, incorporating seven eco systems across its 320 acre campus and The Gunned Gallery which is a 31,000 sq ft art exhibition space.

Gambier was first founded 1823 when the first Episcopal Bishop of Ohio, Philinder Chase, sailed to England to secure funds necessary for a new seminary.

The early buildings were nothing more than basic log structures, these were later substantially improved upon.

From 1980 the mens Swim Team won 31 consecutive NC AA National Championships and was labelled by US News and The American Media Company as 'the most administratively selected school in Ohio'.

The campus is shrouded in reports of creepy and unexplained phenomena with specific rooms seemingly emanating higher levels of paranormal activity.

The Shaeffer Dance Studio was once a pool area and many report seeing visible wet/liquid footprints manifest and make an active path across the wooden flooring which would correlate well as spirits do not recognize or acknowledge renovation/moderation to a building.

Residual hauntings are echoes of the past and will repeat the paths they took whilst living.

Students describe a feeling of 'never truly being alone' and witnessing lights continually spontaneously switch on and off.

On November 29th in 1905 a student named Stuart Pierson mysteriously disappeared, he was last seen on a railroad bridge over the Kokosing Bridge. It was said that usually no trains passed along these railway lines, however on this night one train did.

It is believed Stuart was killed by that train.

His body was later discovered and retrieved by friends. Local newspapers described the incident as 'a barbarous atrocity'.

To this day many report witnessing his full spectrum apparition roaming the campus at the very spot he was meant to meet up with his father on the night he was killed.

This apparition is usually accompanied by the unsettling sounds of disembodied screaming.

Could this spirit be expressing grief and unrest at being taken so prematurely and tragically?

Eternity is a long time right?

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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