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Guardian Angel Nurse | Warm Golden Comforting Light | Old Abandoned Charity Hospital | New Orleans French Quarter | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

From haunted pharmacies to ancient magick, New Orleans is no stranger to the dark and macabre.

But what really lurks amidst the mysterious French Quarter?

Charity Hospital now stands abandoned and derelect but was once a former public teaching hospital, founded in 1776 by John Louis. The facility was originally called the Hospital Of St John and is the second oldest operational hospital in New Orleans.

In 1834 The Daughters Of Charity Of St Vincent partnered with the Teaching Society of Louisiana and overtook operations. By the twentieth century the establishment had significantly expanded.

Tragically, damages sustained by Hurricane Katrina brought forth its closure in 2005.

During this time, eight patients passed away and the morgue burst open with storm conditions, releasing bodies to literally float downstream along open streets.

A nurse who died here at the age of 86, Sister Stanislas, described in life as being like a guardian angel to many, comforting children on night wards, is often seen in spirit appearing as a warm bright golden light.

It is said this golden light excudes a very tangible feeling of complete calmness and comfort, just like a guardian angel and is sighted where the breathing monitors were installed. It was here that patients clung to her in their final moments.

So maybe there is truth that spirits can attach to physical objects, things they were attached to in life.

Do you believe in guardian angels?

Share your thoughts in the comment section below as this is a topic i will be dealing with in more depth.

To date there have been over 1400 lives lost due to yellow fever over the hospitals sixty six years service.

In 2019 there were talks of future extensive renovations with hopes of converting the hospital into a conference center and shopping arcades.

The building is renowned for its active and frequent phenomena with many reporting sightings of ghosts, nurses and doctors, seemingly caught replaying medical scenes from the past.

Bedside alert lights will unexplainably flash on an off even though there is no viable power source.

Spectral form of founder John Louis himself have been seen walking the corridors.

If the paranormal intrigues you, come to New Orleans, you won’t be disappointed.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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