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Hanging Screaming Choking Entities | Soldiers Spies And Sufferings | The Sachs Crossing Bridge | Gettysburg, Pennsylvania | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Sachs Covered Bridge, in Gettysburg Pennsylvania, is a 100ft sheltered crossing which was used during by Confederate and Union soldiers during the Battle of Gettysburg in the American Civil War.

This is the States most historic bridge and was constructed by David Stoner, a renowned architect, during 1852.

On July 1st, 1863, the bridge was crossed by two brigades of the First Corp Union army as they made their way across Gettysburg.

The bridge also accommodated the Third Corp en route to the Black Horse Tavern.

Four days later, General Robert Lees army of Northern Virginia also crossed here during their retreat following a Union victory.

In 1996 a flash flood partially destroyed the bridge. However the site was repaired and today offers stunning skyline views of a notable landscape and hosts a multitude of paranormal activity.

Throughout the years there have been tales of three spies, dressed in stolen Confederate soldier uniform. The men were apprehended and immediately hung from this very bridge.

After dark, passers by have reported disturbing encounters with the ghosts of those three men, seen dangling helplessly from bridge with ropes tied around their necks, writhing, choking and gasping for the breath they will never breathe again.

Those who walk cross the bridge have described being grasped firmly, on the shoulders and arms, by unseen hands and heard unsettling audible disembodied screams.

Could this bridge be residually haunted by its very own victims?

Maybe these spirits are fighting their very own eternal battles.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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