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Haunted Dolls And Noisy Brothel | Residual Echoes At The Oxford Saloon | Snohomish Washington | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

There’s more reason to fear the living, than the dead?

Oh really?

Well I certainly would love to hear your opinions in the comment section below.

Did you know that Washington is known to have more haunted bars than any other state?

The Oxford Saloon in Snohomish, Washington, was built in 1910 and was originally Blackmans Dry Goods.

During its early days, a lady named Kathleen ran a upscale brothel upstairs.

One evening whilst bathing, an intruder entered the building and killed her by decapitation.

The bar today has a mannequin who they named Kathleen in her memory.

To this very day, people report seeing a female apparition, believed to be Kathleen, continually entering the building and walk up and down the stairs, as if on replay loop. A classic residual haunting.

The ground level bar is known to be distinctly active with many visitors reporting hearing audible disembodied footsteps, commotion and females excitedly giggling, just as a brothel would have sounded.

The most fascinating phenomena encountered here are fully formed faces seen to manifest from the walls, stare at guests and then retract back into the wall (kind of like the ghost of Marley from Scrooge).

Prostitution, gambling, drinking, and ten known recorded deaths at these premises. It comes as no surprise that this location retains such significant levels of energy. The place buzzed with activity in its heyday so this naturally leaves a huge residual imprint.

One bar worker who stayed late one night claims she is convinced the bar is haunted. She described seeing full spectrum apparitions and feeling physically touched by invisible forces when she was alone. Moments later glasses involuntarily moved across the worktops.

There are many original artefacts from the original saloon, including a really creepy doll in a glass case which staff believe is haunted.

The doll passed hands many times, people would buy the doll and then experience strange occurrences and disturbance within their homes.

Nobody wanted the doll, as it was believed possessed. So eventually the doll was given back to the saloon where it is on display today. But proceed with caution as she may cast her spell on you.

The saloon is open today and offers great food and live entertainment.

Have fun.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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