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Haunted Elevators At Minnesota State Capitol Building | St Paul Minnesota | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Minnesota State Capitol Building, is located near Reverend Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard in the heart of St Paul, Minnesota.

This phenomenal building boasts the second largest supported marble dome in the world, after St Peters Basilica.

In 1881 the building suffered a massive fire and was destroyed.  Work set about on a brand new building in 1886 and concluded in 1905, with original artwork and décor being successfully revived.

There are organised tours available including a walk up to the astounding rooftop view.

Staff report multiple paranormal presences within the building and visitors describe strange floating mists and unexplained whispers.

Many who approach the elevators describe an icy gust of wind, which pushes them physically forward, as if someone is ushering them inside elevator.

For anyone who suffers claustrophobia, like myself yikes, you might want to avoid the elevators as they reportedly have minds of their own, and may not open when you want them to.

There is nothing wrong with the mechanics of the elevators, rather just ghosts at play.

Doors slam shut, sometimes locking people inside rooms followed by the terrifying sound of disembodied approaching footsteps.

However, due to the nature of the buildings business administration, it is said that these ghosts have a sound agenda in mind. Justice for all. These spirits seem to physically lash out at those with criminal backgrounds or anyone they sense is harboring ill intent.

So make sure you are feeling honest and charitable before you visit.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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