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Haunted Lithia Park | Ashland Oregon | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | Oregon | America | BoiCGH

A 93-acre public park in Ashland, Oregon, leading from which the downtown area near the plaza. Lithia Park is well worth five minutes of your time.

In the 1850s the park housed the very first building on Ashland soil, a flour mill owned by Abel Helman and Eber Emery.

In 1908 a petition to build a public park was won hence the park being subsequently constructed. The original plan was to name the park Ashland Canyon Park however upon discovering high levels of lithium content within the local streams the park was aptly named Lithia Park.

In 1974 a violent storm destroyed a substantial section of the park and again in 1997. 

For many years visitors including many college students have reported seeing the clear apparition of a young girl in an 1800s dress who is crying and calls out for help! She has been spotted many times sitting near the duck ponds.

Another group claim they witnessed a paranormal blue mist and as their car drove through it the whole group were literally chilled to their bones.

Also the ghost of a lumberjack logger who was struck by falling logs and died years ago is said to appear and he displays a very friendly manner. Many say they hear a faint flute like melody when he appears and it is noted that the man used to enjoy playing instruments.

Many report strange light anomalies on their camera pictures which were not visible to the naked eye at the time. And some even claim their electronics instantly drain upon entering the park which may be a sign of intense paranormal activity in the area as the spirits pull on the energy source to utilise for themselves in order to communicate.

Duck ponds, an ice skating rink, nature trails and tennis courts and modern amenities are just part of what you will expect to see here.

Let us know if you experience anything paranormal at Lithia Park.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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