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Haunted Ohio | Can You Add To Our List? | Cleveland, Ohio | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Lets take a look at some of the local hauntings of Cleveland, Ohio, where things aren’t always as they seem.

The Haunted Dimes 

The Flat Iron is an Irish bar and was founded in 1910. Before it was a pub it was a brothel. This is speculated as the most haunted building in Ohio.

Many moons ago, a lady dropped a cigarette which resulted in the whole venue burning to the ground.

Visitors often cry out ‘hey something is grabbing hold of my hand!’ and have described a skeletal hand firmly grasping theirs. Others complain that they do not feel good upon entering the bar.

Mysterious dimes will often manifest along bar worktops and floorboards, believed placed there by courteous spirits, now referred to as the haunted dime phenomena.

Casper Ghosts

The Perkins Mansion is a historical home where the fondly named 'Casper' ghosts live. These spirits are said to be extremely friendly. Built in 1835 by the son of Colonnel Simon Perkins, who ran as State Senator. The home was taken under the ownership of the Summit County Historical Society during the mid 1990s. The spirits of an older lady and little boy are often seen roaming about the home.

There is much activity, yet never any malevolence detected here. There are many spirit children, a lot of chattering voices and much laughter. The atmosphere is light and staff believe the children here enjoy the interest and attention from the living.

The Phantom Jumper

Usually around twilight, folks have witnessed a male spectrum, actively jump from a bridge. He hits the waters but there are no splashing sounds. This is believed to be a residual haunting, a repetitive looping phenomena of an original trauma of a past suicide.

Haunted Rivers

On july 16th, 1896, an overloaded passenger ferry boat capsized under the Willow Street Bridge along the Coyahoga River, many died and only sixteen bodies were recovered. If you look into the pier waters today you may encounter supernatural bodies reaching out from those waters today. Hundreds have reported seeing full spectrum apparitions physically crawl up the rescue ladders.

The Variety Theater

This venue is one of the finest architectural structures in Cleveland and rumor has it that some performers have never left. The theater opened on Thanksgiving Day in 1927 with a debut show of Clara Bow Hula, who was the ‘IT Girl’ of the 1920s. Her apparition is still encountered on the stage today.

Clara was known for her striptease act which showed above her knee, back then that was a huge deal and garnered much attention. The theater was soon after purchased by the Coe family who ran it as a family movie theater.

Later on, all of the major acts of the 1980s performed here including bands such as U2, Motorhead and Metallica who, famously, played so loud it made a crack in the ceiling. 

Workmen have had their tools mysteriously disappear and witnessed the presence of a ghostly little girl carrying a teddybear. Management often see unaccounted for figures up on the balcony stalls and a lady specter who likes to sit by the outside fountains. 

Sandusky County Jail And Dungeons

This old jailhouse dates back to 1840 and ceased operations in 1989. It is today used as Commissioner offices, Convention and Visitor Bureau. This building narrowly escaped demolition but was thankfully saved with the aid of historical preservation grant funding. However, it is not only visitors roaming here. A prisoner named John Radford hung himself in his cell and visitors will often hear walking footsteps, back and forth, across the gallows room.

Shadows are often sighted lurking in the dungeons, hair will get pulled, footsteps and whistling is audibly heard. Paranormal investigators have described how electronic equipment will act erratically and even skeptics who have visited the jailhouse have left saying they now believe that spirits are real.

Do you have any haunted Ohio locations to add to our list?

I would love to hear about them in the comment section below.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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