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Haunted Yorktown Hospital | South Texas | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Yorktown Memorial Hospital is known to be actively haunted. Located in Yorktown, Texas, now covered in warning signs 'KEEP OUT' is also nicknamed Hells House.

Built in the early fifties, initially financed by fundraising and run by a priest and Felician Sister nuns. It ran as an aid to soldiers of World War II, also a community hospital and later a drug rehabilitation centre until 1985 when was closed due to reports of abuse. It is believed over two thousand people died within these walls.

Inside shows much vandalism and deterioration. A nurse who worked there reported that she witnessed much paranormal activity whilst working there from IV trays violently shaking to clipboards flying from bed rails.

Is is believed the spirit of a doctor who worked there still roams the corridors today. His name was Dr. Leon Norwierski, he worked here during the 90s. He was known for making diabolical medical mistakes.

Once he accidentally slit the throat of a patient during a thyroid removal procedure. People say he walks the wards today in spirit checking in on his patients just like the old days.

Also the ghost of a small girl has been seen in the basement which is believed to be Stacy who was a little girl who died here. If you ask nicely she might even roll a ball to you.

Some have witnessed the apparitions of the Felician nuns in black gowns and full length black dress/habits.

Lastly spotted is the ghost of heavy equipment worker Doug Richards who died on site. Guests have even described him down to his clothes, tall, wearing jeans and white t shirt disappears down hallways.

There is a chapel, a morgue, a childrens/paediatric wing and adult wing. Many visitors would claim they would frequently see spirits actively walking between the rooms during visitation hours. Disembodied voices and haunting laughter are heard to this very day.

It is reported a man killed his wife in the boiler room, stabbing her after discovering she had a lover, could she still be here amongst the haunting voices?

Be prepared to withstand icy cold blasts even though the weather may be warm as the paranormal activity often effects room temperature here.

The building still stands like an empty dark time capsule yet is known as one of Americas most haunted locations.

We dare you to check it out. And if you do share your experiences below in the comment section.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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