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Fatal Shooting And Haunting Residual Echoes At Weber State University | Ogden Utah | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Weber State University was established in Ogden, Utah, in 1889.

During 1993 on a summers day at exactly 1.30pm, a student, accused of harassing another student, pulled a .22 hand gun and opened fire. He killed three individuals before being shot and killed himself by a campus police officer. Sadly that officer also later passed away from sustained injuries.

Ever since that tragic night, faculty, students and visitors have all reported audible sounds of phantom gun shots, screaming disembodied voices and an overwhelming sensation of being watched, all astonishingly at 1.30pm.

Could the living today be hearing the residual gun fire of that fateful day back in 1993?

Also, University night security have reported many run ins with the paranormal from fast moving shadow figures to violent bangings and mysterious shuffling sounds.

Is it possible that we are able to pick up on the past energies of events which took place at particular locations?

Why else would so many visitors describe being overcome by feelings of tremendous sadness when they come to this location?

Do you know anyone who attends Weber State University?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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