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Have You Ever Seen An Apparition? | The Man With The Cane | Spirit Interacts With The Living | The Lorain Palace Theater | Cleveland, Ohio | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Buckeye State, Ohio, is renowned for its hauntings and The Lorain Palace Theater located right off Broadway, just West of Cleveland, is no exception.

This was the first motion picture theater in Ohio and proudly houses an original Rudolph Worlitzer organ, one of only seven ever made worldwide and, now, one of just four in existence today.

The theater excitedly opened its doors to the public in April, 1928. The opening night feature, and first audible talking film, was a pre release of the British romantic comedy movie ‘Something Always Happens’ starring Nancy O Neil and Ian Hunter.

Sadly, with the addition of nearby malls and newer commerce, economy suffered yet the theater never once closed its doors.

Committees dedicated hours, weeks, months of hard work until, eventually, they had raised enough funds to purchase the property outright and continue operations. A glass arcade was added which connected the theater to the adjacent Eagles building. Intricate and painstaking repairs including complete restoration of original terracotta ceramic tiling was also carried out.

During their 1977 Christmas Musical performance, they tore up their mortgage documents on stage as a symbol of restoration completion and building ownership.

This is a true historical theater which has withstood the test of time.

The building is believed haunted by the victims of a tornado which devastated the town in 1924. Those unfortunate souls often manifest presenting horrific injuries, severed limbs, cut skin, bloodied clothing, just as in a real tornado.

Often heard are disembodied footsteps heard running about the auditorium seating and staff report continual sightings of a large black cloudy mass seen floating near the screening area accompanied by an uneasy and feeling of someone standing directly besides them. Staff have warned that 'not all entities here are friendly' yet we have no more information on that statement.

Many visitors have interacted with ‘the elderly man with the cane’. 

What visitors do not know is that the man is not living, but of spirit.

I wonder what that realisation must feel like?

Have any of our readers ever encountered an apparition?

Because if you have, I would like for you to connect with me in the comment section below.

Today the theater also serves as a public service Civic and Entertainments Center and all are welcome to view the famous Worlitzer organ.

But are you ready for the entities here?


*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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