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Creepy EVPs Ask Who Are You? At The Avila Adobe House Museum | Los Angeles, California | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Avila Adobe Home is the oldest standing residence within the Los Angeles Plaza District, Los Angeles, California.

The L shaped home was initially constructed by Francisco Avila in 1818 and named the Avila Adobe home.

In 1827 famous trailblazer Jedediah Smith, stayed here after leading of group of furtrappers across the Mohave wilderness into Southern California. These were the very first US citizens to reach Alta California, from the East, by way of overland route.

Francisco Avila passed away in 1832 leaving a heartbroken widow behind. 

In 1846 the United States declared war on Mexico, luring the owners outside, commandeering the residence as a headquarters.

Following the Mexican War of Independence, Alta (originally a Spanish provence) became Mexican territory as well as Nevada, Utah, parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming and Colorado.

The Avila home has since been operated as accommodation and a boarding house and later as a historic house museum which it remains today.

The property was acquired by the State of California who temporarily shut it down, for a five year period, whilst constructing extensive renovation. It was during this time the home narrowly escaped the effects of the massive 1970s earthquakes.

The home was reopened in 1976, and is available for tours today.

Quite classically, this old adobe is rumored to be actively haunted by the spirits of its past.

Visitors often hear disembodied sounds of a party in full swing, laughing, music, glasses clinking, all from unoccupied rooms.

Also sighted are objects levitating, furniture mysteriously being rearranged much to the confusion of staff.

Guests report shocking encounters with a female apparition who appears to be crying.

Could this be the mourning widow of Francisco Avila?

Visiting students claim to have captured unexplained light anomalies on photographs whilst several investigations have yielded extremely high EMF (electromagnetic field) readings and truly creepy EVP (electronic voice phenomena) recordings asking 'who are you?'

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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