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Hit And Run Ghosts | Little Girl Runs Screaming For Help | Aroostook County, Maine | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

There really are some roads you shouldn't travel.

US Route 2A (formerly referred to as the 2 Alternative) is a road located in Aroostook County, Maine, which stretches 44 miles from Aroostook County near the Macwahoc Plantation straight through to Houlton in Maine.

In 1604 the very first European settlers arrived on the nearby St Croix Island and the road acted, for some time, as a military route and, historically, was inhabited for hundreds of years by native tribes.

However, the road actually existed long before the towns incorporation, dating back to 1832.

Following the Revolutionary War Maine was a primary lumber producer to surrounding communities and hence they built the 2A for transportation purposes.

People have lost their lives on this road.

The road also cuts through Haynesville, a town made famous by Country Singer Richard Curlis' song, 'A Tombstone Every Mile' from his album 'Drag Em Off The Interstate', was about this very road, anyone else find that alarmingly eery?

Today, 2A is heavily utilised by truck drivers, yet is known for its dangerous 90 degree sharp turning. Couple that, with some black ice, and you're in trouble.

However, it seems bad weather conditions are just one of the concerns when it comes to road safety here.

Many pedestrians report almost losing control of their vehicles upon sighting a little girl running speedily across the road, screaming frantically. Folks actually described great detail down to the little girls shoes running the gravel.

Vehicles have stopped to assist this little girl, initially unaware that she is spirit that is, until they watch as she vanishes into thin air.

Then they know.

But who is this child spirit?

It is suggested this is the entity of a little girl who was killed by a truck driver who failed to pay attention whilst driving along this very stretch of road.

Others have reported a car pulled over on the hard shoulder with a man and woman clearly distressed, crying, arms flailing in the air, moments later they are nowhere to be seen.

Could they be the parents of the little girl who was killed here?

Are folks witnessing a residual imprint haunting of the events that took place that night unfold as they frantically called for help for their daughter?

It is suggested that the more violent, or traumatic, a persons death is that the more prevalent that haunting will manifest.

Maybe this is the reason so many asylums and prisons are known for higher reports of paranormal phenomena.

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