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Hitmen And Murder At The Kreischer Mansion | Staten Island New York | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Kreischer Mansion in Staten Island, New York, is a historic home located within the Charleston neighborhood and was built by German immigrant Balthazar Kreischer.

In 1835 The Great Fire of New York swept the city, cement and bricks were in astronomically high demand in order to rebuilt towns.

Balthazar did well with business as he was a brick bearer and often sourced materials for other families.

In 1875 Balthazar constructed two identical mansions for his sons Edward and Charles. Only one of those buildings stands today, the Kreischer mansion.

Tragically, Balthazar committed suicide by gunshot. His family had no explanation for his shocking death apart from that he may have been suffering some financial losses.

The mansion passed from owner to owner and in 2005 Joe Black, an ex local mobster known as The Hitman, was instructed to act as caretaker at the mansion.

He became involved in an altercation with three men which ended with Joe stabbing, and killing, another male. Joe had drowned the man in a lake and later disposed of the body in the homes coal burner furnace.

Many who walk near the river report hearing shocking splashing sounds, commotion, screaming, as if someone is struggling in the water, yet nobody is there.

Maybe this is a residual haunting of Joe Blacks victim. And could the odor of the burning flesh so often detected here be an residual imprint haunting stemming from the coal furnace?

In May 2020 the property was approved for the addition of surrounding condominium accommodations and believe us when we say, these tenants are often left feeling extremely uneasy.

Report all across this property are the phantom sounds of gunshots, clanking pots and pans emanating from the kitchen area. This is believed to be the spirit of a past cook who was murdered in the pantry.

Many describe the tiny pitter patter of child like foot steps, could this be the spirits of mansions past children? It is said that children were locked in closets as punishment here, maybe this explains the scratching sounds coming from closets also.

Other have encountered audible whispers and doors violently slam shut narrowly missing tenants fingers and faces.

Could there be an angry poltergeist holding this location spiritually captive today?

This location is extremely active, you have been warned.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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