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Hostile Malevolence And Otherworldly Vortexes At Georgetown | Clear Creek County, Colorado | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

There are hauntings in Georgetown which are impacting its residents.

Graphic and terrifying apparitions and vortexes of supernatural activity.

Georgetown, in Clear Creek County Colorado, was first founded in 1859 and was formally incorporated as the Countys Seat in 1868. Georgetown is affectionately known as ‘the Silver Queen of Colorado’ and acted as a center for miners and prospectors alike.

This was once the third largest town in the State. Today it is home to just 1,000 residents.

Following the James Hough Silver Strike the town flourished and expanded. Through the 1950s the town operated as a ski resort location and expanded as a popular tourist destination.

There are many preserved historical structures amidst this town and tales of this aged community being haunted by the residents of its past. 

Those who live here claim that there are angered souls of pioneeres and outlaws and is widely believed that the town acts as a supernatural vortex, a portal whereby spirits can enter various realms.

One story tells of Robert Smale, who in 1877 was housed in the county jail for murder. He was taken out of his cell and hung in public view, as a warning example to all those would be murderers. 

Many have encountered the chilling apparition of Robert Smale, hanging by the neck, his body thrashes, writhes and gurgles as he struggles for his last breath.

Truly an extremely disturbing residual episode to witness.

It is alleged many prisoner entities seek retribution for the torments they suffered here.

Community residents in Clear Creek County have been known to relocate due to high levels of paranormal activity within older build homes.

In 1897, Mrs Jane Fish was accused of murdering her husband by using chloroform whilst he slept.

She was eventually acquitted yet many still believed she was responsible for his death. All of her life Jane never shed the blackened reputation as a murderers. She was livid about that.

Many have come face to face with her full spectrum apparition which glares angrily at the living and emanates a terrifying hostile malevolence.

No matter where you go in Georgetown, chances are you have passed by the entities of old.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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