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Hostile Presence On Board The Berkeley Ferry Boat | San Diego Maritime Museum | San Diego, California | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Berkeley Ferry Boat once served the Southern Pacific Railroad and it today and is docked off North Harbor Drive on in San Diego Bay, California.

The Berkeley was constructed in 1898 by Union Ironworks Of San Francisco and was the very first propeller driven ferry on the West Coast.

The Golden Gate Fishing Company purchased the ferry but later sold it to took a local doctor, Bill Connover, who converted the boat into a store called the Tradefare.

During 1973 the Maritime Museum Of San Diego purchased the ferry which now serves as a main attraction.

However, many visitors who step about the ferry boat described feel immediate oppression, a hostile presence within their vicinity causing many to vacate specific rooms earlier than scheduled.

Others have encountered unexplainable slinking shadow figures and creepy disembodied voices.

A full apparition of a male wearing a fedora hat and old tails jacket has been reported hundreds of times walking ominously by the artefact display cases.

Staff believe this entity to be the spirit of John O Norbam who died on board in 1911 when a small combustible exploded in his jacket pocket.

Some staff have physically confronted this mysterious entity who is said to immediately disappear once the living approach.

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