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I And My Annabel | The Long Lost Love Of Edgar Allan Poe Lingers At Graveyard | Unitarian Church And Cemetery | Charleston South Carolina | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Unitarian Church and graveyard located downtown Charleston, South Carolina, is known for its creepy and unexplainable phenomena.

First established back in 1772 this location would historically become the second oldest church in Charleston.

During the late 1700s American Militia and British troops destroyed the churches interior.

In 1989 Hurricane Hugo devastated most of downtown Charleston.

The Unitarian Church and Graveyard may, at first glance, appear abandoned but is actually intentionally overgrown with stunning baroque foliage and moss laden trees.

It is believed that these fields are ripe with spirits and that the souls of the dead emerge frequently.

Early Unitarians regarded death as a rite of passage to be welcomed, becoming one forever with the natural elements as well joining realms.

Many myths and legends surround this location including some truly notable folks.

Annabel Ravenel, a local girl, dated a young soldier called Edgar Allan Perry who was stationed at nearby Fort Moultrie in 1827. Of course that young man would later become the famous poet we love so much today, Sir Edgar Allan Poe.

Annabels father, Dr Edmund Ravenel, did not approve of the relationship and saw to it that it ended abruptly.

Soon after, Annabel succumbed to yellow fever and was laid to rest right here. Edgar yearned to pay his respects but the father would not reveal where her body lay. He searched hundreds of headstones but never found her.

Poe was heartbroken it inspired him to write his much loved poem 'Annabel Lee' in her honor.

Here is an excerpt from that poem:

'But we loved with a love that was more than love
I and my Annabel Lee
With a love that the winged seraphs of Heaven
Coveted her..and me
Neither the angels in Heaven above
Nor the demons down under the sea
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of my beautiful Annabel Lee'.

She was laid to rest right here and visitors to the graveyard today report sighting her mystical apparition roaming between the headstones.

Is Annabel stuck at this location today, does she mourn the loss of what was potentially an amazing love story?

I wonder if she ever revealed her spirit to Poe?

Lavinia Fisher, Americas first female serial killer is also laid to rest here. Lavignia would poison mens tea and watch them die.

Lavinia is also said to haunt these hallowed grounds even though she is actually buried in a Potters field nearby.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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