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I Just Spoke With A Ghost | Spirit Interactions At The Supernatural Cripple Creek Valley | Teller County Central Colorado | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Colorado, where it is said that ‘life continues even after the grave’.

Cripple Creek Valley, sits on the slopes of the Front Range (Pikes Peaks) area in Teller County, and was originally a mining town.

The town became the centre of much attention due to an incident known as the Mount Pisgah Hoax, when a local miner deceitfully began sprinkling plain rocks with powdered gold. 

However, in 1890, a prospector called Bob Womack literally struck gold when he discovered a rare and rich ore, attracting many to the area. The population skyrocketed and business thrived.

This town discovered one of the largest gold veins EVER recorded.

In April 1896 a fire broke out destroying most of the town, fortunately it was successfully rebuilt within months.

In 1909 Bob Womack died without a single dime to show for his efforts.

Visitors to Cripple Creek Valley today report a host of terrifying hauntings and unexplained phenomena amidst the local shops and eateries during darkness hours.

Roaming spectres and conversations with people who, visitors later discover, are ‘not really there’. One family claim they interacted with another so called family in the dining area of a small inn, only to be told they were the only guests checked in right now.

The mother claimed "i just talked to a ghost".

Could todays community be supernaturally interacting with the townsfolk of so long ago?

Paranormal investigative teams have visited the Colorado Grand Casino where they encountered the apparitions of an old miner gentleman and a little boy. High EMF (electromagnetic field) levels were detected here, along with audible disembodied bets being shouted out from the main casino floor area.

Welcome to the valley.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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