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If You Freeze You Die | The Beast Of Wisconsin | Siren Forest Wisconsin | Paranormal | Historical | Haunted | America | BoiCGH

Forests sure can be scary, especially once darkness falls.

There is one such forest, in Siren, Wisconsin which is said to alter the perception of even the most ardent sceptic.

Hikers and outdoor enthusiasts who have ventured out here report glowing eyes watching from the darkness.

During the 1980s a group of teenage campers left this location early on accounts of encountering an entity now known as The Beast, others call him The Dogman.

Some locals believe this to be a supernatural malevolent creature which would not seem displaced in a folklore tale.

The group described how, as this entity approached, the birds ceased chirping which wildlife usually do when they sense genuine threat.

Across the clearing, the group watched in horror as they locked eyes with the Beast who displayed sharp blade like teeth.

One of the group whispered to the other 'if you freeze, you die'.

They ran, the entity gave chase directly behind them, so close it could have easily grabbed them.

Shocked, and shaken, they somehow made it back to the cabins they were based at.

The group were hesitant at first to even share this experience with their own families, fearing ridicule or disbelief.

However, when the friends did open up to family, they were shocked to discovered that many of those family members had also experienced what they believed to be the very same tall dark monstrous entity in those same woods.

One of the mothers described how she had seen it some years earlier and she felt it was completely 'evil'.

Another person stated they believed this entity lies in wait in the woods, for innocent hikers to pass through.

One thing they were glad of is that they made use of the saying 'if you freeze, you die'.

Just what was this entity?

Some say maybe it was bigfoot, others say it is demonic.

Old Michigan folklore suggests the Dogman was first witnessed back in 1887 in Wexford County as seven foot tall, with amber glowing eyes, the torso of a man yet with canine features.

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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