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Intelligent Haunting At The American Club Hotel & Spa Resort | Kohler Wisconsin | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The American Club, in Kohler Wisconsin, was built by the Kohler Company in 1918 as a live in dormitory to house their immigrant workforce.

The Club today is a luxury 5 Star Hotel and Spa resort believed to be actively haunted by spirits from its past.

The spirit of a ghostly male spectre, wearing old jeans and torn flannel shirt, has been seen roaming the stairwells at night smoking a cigar. One guest claims he tried to interact with the entity but was met with no response. Staff believe this spirit is responsible for moving items around the hotel and physically knocking art pieces from the walls.

A female apparition wearing a blue bonnet is frequently sighted near the fireplace and will readily interact with living, speaking to them in a friendly and charming manner and has even been known to guide visitors who are seeking directions. It is suggested this lady hung herself in room 209 after learning of her husbands passing.

Other phenomena includes lights turning on and off, strange chain clinking sounds and disembodied voices.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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