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Intelligent Haunting | Ghostly Little Children Covered In Blood Hide Behind Mothers Dress | The San Miguel Mission Building | San Luis Obispo County, San Miguel, California | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The San Miguel Mission building located in San Luis Obispo County, San Miguel, California, was founded in 1797 by Spanish, Francisan, Father Fuhrman Francisco De Leon.

The building has stood the test of time since its rebuild in 1808 after the original building was destroyed by fire. 

The Mission building comprises 27 accommodation huts, granary storage room, sacristy {vestry for sacred vestments} and a carpentry room.

The interior artworks were painted, by the original natives to the region, during 1820 and remain unaltered to this very day.

In 1834 the Spanish Franciscan Friars were exiled by the New Independant Mexican Government and the building was purchased by entrepreneur William Reid.

Reid settled his family into the home, using half of the property as an inn. However, the only payment Reid would accept at the inn was solid gold.

In 1848, six outlaws checked in, they murdered Reid, his pregnant wife and young son.

The bandits stole all the gold and goods from the property.

However, they all, but one, were executed for their crimes.

The Reid family were laid to rest nearby and are believed to haunt the Mission building today.

After all, this is their home, right?

In 1859 the site was sold to a Roman Catholic church and has a long list of continually reported phenomena.

All across the grounds the ghostly giggling and playing sounds of little children and the apparition of Mrs Reid with blood dripping down her dress.

The spirits here are classified as intelligent hauntings, as they seem fully aware of the living and will respond via interactive experimental investigation.

Just behind Mrs Reid are her are two little children, a little boy and girl clinging to their mothers dress as if fearful of the living.

And after what those children experienced in life, it comes as no surprise that they would act this way.

A family massacre, a tragic loss, and all because of mans greed for gold.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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