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Killers Paradise And Alien Landscapes | Bonneville Salt Flats | Tooele County Utah | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

What if I told you that one of Utahs most beautiful natural wonders has a dark sinister side.

The Bonneville Salt Flats in Tooele County, Utah, are all that is left of the prehistoric Lake Bonneville and many have described it as ‘surreal, sci-fi, alien landscape’.

Agreed, this place looks pretty bizarre, uniquely formed with salt covered floors, however the terrain was formed by way of simple evaporation from Lake Bonneville.

This site is believed haunted by numerous entities.

Many murders took place and bodies have been discovered here.

During the 1800s there were many deaths as pioneers attempted to make their way West, through harsh elements and dangerous terrain. Their bodies returned to the dust.

It is speculated this a Killers Paradise, much death has taken place here, as it is the perfect body disposal abyss. There have been several murder victim bodies found, but honestly, the odds are that if you end up here, no one will ever find you.

Hikers have described ‘visual and auditory’ phenomena which cannot be explained such as ghostly apparitions and experiencing bizarre hypnotic hallucinations.

Could these hallucinations actually be residual hauntings?

Could the spirits be trying to break through the realms amidst these ancient hills?

Outdoor enthusiasts have reported disembodied cries carried in the winds.

Could this be the desperate cries of all those who have perished right here in Utah?

What a heartbreaking way to leave this earth, all alone, in the hands of a killer, where no one will hear your screams.

Maybe they have a story to tell, but is anybody actually listening?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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