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La Befana | The Christmas Witch | Italian Folklore | Epiphany | BoiCGH | Seasonal


La Befana vien di notte
con le scarpe tutte rotte
col vestito alla "romana"
viva viva la Befana!!

Porta cenere e carboni
ai bambini cattivoni
ai bambini belli e buoni
porta chicchi e tanti doni!

The Befana comes by night
With her shoes all broken
With a dress in Roman style
Up, up with the Befana !!

She brings ashes and coal 
To bad nasty children
To the nice good child
She brings candies and many gifts!

La Befana first appeared in an Italian poem dating back to 1549.  She was an old raggedy witch that would fly over the villages on her broomstick leaving gifts for the children.  She would leave treats for the good and coal for those that were bad.  Her flights would take place over two nights, January 5th and 6th.  These dates are known to Italians as the Epiphany.  Marking the end of the Christmas season.  The Epiphany celebrates the day the three Wise Men arrived at the manger bearing gifts for Baby Jesus.

If you are awake late on the nights of January 5th and 6th and listen closely.  You just may hear the cackle of Befana flying overhead...

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