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Lewis The Moody Caretaker Yells At The Living At Texas Walker Ranger Lodge | The Sons Of Hermann Hall | Fort Worth Dallas Texas | Historical | Paranormal | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Sons Of Hermann Hall, in Fort Worth, Dallas, Texas, is a historic fraternal building which was first erected in 1911 as a meeting place for the Sons Of Hermann Lodge members.

The Sons Of Hermann is a mutual aid society initially intended for German immigrants. This fraternity was first formed in New York City during 1840.

From 1943, the fraternity dropped the German exclusive membership and welcomed English speaking guests, regardless of lineage, into the hall.

This is the oldest free standing wooden structure, and bar, in Dallas.

This venue has also been used as a dance hall, and later as a bowling alley which closed in the 1960s yet, fascinatingly, the lanes can still be seen in the flooring.

During the 1980s the venue began showcasing celebrity talent and airing television shows.

Staff often discover furniture completely rearranged in unrealistic timeframes and many who enter the hall describe feeling instantly uncomfortable and often nauseous.

The American television series 'Walker Texas Ranger' was filmed right here at the lodge.  During filming some cast extras, who were having a late drink at the bar one night, reported creepy unexplained ghostly figures walking amidst them which moments later faded into nothing.

Pictures have been seen flying from the walls and dark shadow figures slinking through hallways.

The spirit of a previously deceased caretaker, known as Lewis, who once worked here has been sighted multiple times and is said to be quite 'moody' in nature. Lewis has been known to yell out at the living, or anyone in his way, as he busies himself seeing to the buildings requirements, albeit supernaturally.

Visitors describe how the hair will raise on their arms and necks when the whole ambience of rooms suddenly switches up.

Could this be when Lewis enters the room?

Mysterious light anomalies, apparitions of figures dressed in clothing from different eras, and spectral children playing in the front yard are all phenomena encountered here.

Today the building still serves as headquarters to two Sons Of Hermann lodges, yet also hosts community events and music performances.

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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