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Boston Commons Ghost Girl Beckons You to Follow Her | Massachusetts Boston | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Boston Massachusetts, also known as the Cradle of Liberty, is known for its prolific hauntings and creepy phenomena.

Boston Commons needs no introduction. This 50 acre public park in downtown Boston was originally the property of William Black, Bostons very first European settler during 1665.

Today the park is recognised as the oldest city park in the whole of the United States and has been used as a filming location for sitcom Cheers, and movies The Thomas Crown Affair, Ted and Good Will Hunting, series Ally McBeal and a scene with Jack Nicholson in The Departed.

The park has previously been used as cattle settlements and even a military training ground for British forces. But did you know that this was also a public hanging site during the 1700s? Many people fought for their last breaths right here, hanging from the branches of a Great Elm tree which was used as public gallows.

In 1876 the Great Elm tree was destroyed amidst a catastrophic storm. However the deathly tree was later replaced with structural hanging gallows.

Many were hanged here on charges of witchcraft and it is believed those entities haunt the Commons today. Hangings were officially prohibited from 1817.

Adjacent to the park is a cemetery where many visitors have experienced intense feelings of despair, hear disembodied voices and witness mysterious flashing lights. But perhaps the most sinister phenomena experienced here is the full spectrum apparition of a little girl who lingers amongst the headstones.

The little girl is not confined to the burial grounds and has been seen at various points around the Commons. Many describe how this little spirit girl will approach the living and will even reach out with her hand and beckon you to follow her.

But where is she leading to?

What is she trying to show you?

One visitor described being literally astonished upon encountering the girl. He says she reached out to him, he felt her physically touch his arm, it felt icy cold. The little girl is said to sit and cry because she continually tries to grab the attention of the living but all they do is run away.

The man reports that he ran back to his car only to see the ghostly child sitting in the front passenger seat of his vehicle. Naturally, he screamed, the entity disappearing moments later like a mist abandoning a hostile realm.

Today many hear audible sounds of choking, gaspings for breath and chilling screams for help.

Could this phenomena be residual hauntings of those hanging victims still being heard today? Was the little girl trying to show us the gallows?

Let's just hope their suffering did not last long.

The Common was listed as an official public park and hosts various events including art exhibition, ice skating events, concerts and recreational events. The park is currently undergoing major reconstruction and is due to complete in 2034 which will mark the Commons 400 year establishment anniversary.

The Common is a massively popular location with paranormal investigators and enthusiasts alike.

We can't promise you will encounter paranormal activity here but if you see a little ghost girl reaching out to you, please don't run.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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