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Tragic Tale Of Little Boy Who Died In Closet And Timeslip Phenomena | University Heights Center | Seattle Washington | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The University Heights Center in Seattle, Washington, is a former historic school located in the University district.

In 1927 an auditorium was added to the building and in 1989 the school closed down when enrolment severely diminished.

However, a the Seattle Community Association and Educational department took ownership of the establishment and today the building thrives as a public non profit Community & Neighborhood Resource Center offering various programmes and events.

This location is home to hundreds of paranormal reports and is allegedly haunted by former faculty members who have been seen to manifest by way of full spectrum apparition wearing 1920s uniform.

Students report eery time slip phenomena whereby they will momentarily see specific classrooms appear exactly as they would have looked in bygone eras.

It is said that a cruel teacher once locked a little boy named Bryan in a closet. Horrifically, the teacher completely forgot that she had locked the child in the room and left the premises for the weekend.

Upon her return she discovered the little boys lifeless body, lying dead on the floor, appearing as if he had simply fallen asleep.

Fast moving shadowy silhouettes darting down corridors, creepy footsteps and unexplained rapid flashes of light are all encountered here.

Paranormal investigators report chilling EVPs (electronic voice phenomena) and extremely high EMF (electromagnetic field) levels.

Could little Bryan be residually haunting this building today?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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