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Little Crying Girl In Red Coat And The Ghost Who Refuses To Leave | Shelburne Museum | Shelburne Vermont | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Vermont has a rich history of hauntings which could convert even the most hardened skeptics’ stance on the paranormal.

The Shelburne Museum is located on Route 7, near Lake Champlain, Shelburne, Vermont.

The venue was first founded in 1947 and has become an iconic Americana Art and Design establishment showcasing over 150,000 exhibits and artefacts, many being historical originals.

But what we found fascinating is that this museum has become renowned in paranormal circles for its hauntings.

There are two known entities said to supernaturally reside at this timeless red brick colonial home.

The Museum comprises over 48 buildings, one of these is The Dutton House, first erected in Cavendish in 1782. In this building staff believe there to be the spirit of an older gentleman, from the past, who simply refuses to move on.

This male spectre is seemingly harmless being residual in nature. He wears a ruffled white shirt and has been seen casually sitting on the sloped rooftop.

Also encountered here is a full spectrum apparition of a little girl in a red coat.

Visitors describe feeling ‘shocked and terrified’ as they watch the girl manifest before their very eyes before dissipating like a mist into the air.

One tour guide told how she audibly heard this little girl crying and felt deeply saddened by the experience.

Many have speculated this little girl once lived here with her family and is reluctant to transition realms.

Vermont is a great place to visit, especially during the winter holiday season.

Be sure to stop by and check the Museum out and let us know if you experience anything paranormal.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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