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The Cursed Campus | Little Girl Cries Out For Her Mommy | McKendree University | Lebanon Illinois | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

McKendree University, located in Lebanon Illinois, is a private Liberal Arts University.

This is the oldest educational establishment in the State with consistent ties to the United Methodist Church.

In 1830 Bishop McKendree first established the building from very humble beginnings, a wooden shed housing just seventy five students.

During 1862 an Illinois community group set up the 117th Regiment of McKendree Volunteers who substantially expanded and developed the site.

In 1994 Dr James Dennis was appointed as faculty President, and continues to act as such to this very day.

There have been multiple tragic deaths at this campus over the years, some intentional, some accidental.

It is believed by faculty and students that these departed spirits now haunt the halls today. Phenomena is so actively prevalent that the building was nicknamed 'The Cursed Campus'. 

A student committed suicide here by hanging himself in the belltower. The boy was said to be suffering from depression.

A baby died from pneumonia whilst being cared for in the back office, even today that room is unexplainably icy cold, even on a hot summers day.

Spirits and Temperature

Ghosts are often said to be accompanied by unexplained shifts in temperature which usually manifests as pockets of cold icy air. Digital thermometers used by paranormal investigators often indicate these temperature fluctuations.

An old lady fell from the stairwell, and her husband, unable to bear the loss, took his own life. This ghostly spectre is often seen, as if searching for his wife, at the Alumni House stairwell the exact spot from where she slipped.

There are rumors that the student Chapel area, where the organ will spontaneously burst into melody when the room is completely unoccupied.

In the library, many have witnessed full spectrum apparitions walking straight through walls and seen books reorganize themselves mid air.

A little blonde haired girl is often seen running throughout the hallways audibly crying out 'mommy' over and over again before disintegrating as a white mist, leaving only her desperate cries echoing within the room.

A feeling of cold icy grasping hands, mysterious shadowy figures, a feeling of all consuming fear, unexplained electrical failure are all phenomena experienced at this location.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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