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Little Gracie Watson Cries Tears Of Blood | Bonaventure Cemetery | Thunderbolt, Georgia | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Do the spirits of yesteryears deceased still roam here after sundown?

The Bonaventure Cemetery in Thunderbolt, Georgia, overlooks the scenic Wilmington River and is renowned as the largest graveyard in the city covering a substantial 186 acres.

Historically, this was once the Bonaventure Plantation which was owned in 1762 by Colonel John Mulrane.

During 1868 the Evergreen Cemetery Company purchased the land and in 1907 the City of Savannah opened the ground as a public space adding the Greenwich Plantation Gardens.

The cemetery is known for its creepy phenomena and unexplained sightings.

The most famous story is that of a little girl, named Gracie Watson whose parents managed a nearby hotel. Little Gracie died of pneumonia and her parents laid to rest right here.

At her gravesite sits toys, trinkets and similar tributes. 

Eerily, after sundown, passers by have encountered Gracies full spectrum apparition seen amidst the headstones. She plays, giggles and then cries tears of crimson blood before dissipating into the twilight mists.

Is Gracie mourning such a merciless illness, so prematurely snatching the life ahead of her so cruelly from her grasp?

Also encountered here are the startling manifestations of a phantom pack of wolves which snarl viciously at the living as they run by.

Are otherworldly entities attempting to warn visitors to stay away?

Have you ever witnessed the paranormal at a cemetery?

Because if you have, I would like to hear from you.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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