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Love Suicide And Hallowed Ground | The San Carlos Hotel | Arizona | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The San Carlos Hotel is considered one of Arizonas most haunted hotels and is located just off Monroe Street.

The hallways are very often compared with the hallways from movie The Shining.

With its vintage décor, and time capsule feel, the rooms really do have an unsettling ambience, even during daylight hours.

Built in 1928, this hotel was extremely popular with elite and celebrities including Clarke Gabell, Marylin Monroe and May West, who all had their own personal suites here which can be booked today (The Marylin Suite/The Mae West Suite).

However, this establishment is built over native American worship grounds which is considered, by many, as hallowed ground.

Never disturb hallowed ground unless you are willing to accept the consequences that may come with it.

In 1928, just a few weeks after the hotels grand opening, a female guest known as Leona Johnson, committed suicide right here at this hotel.

Leonas fiancé had recently broke off their engagement and, in disbelief and heartbreak, Leona climbed hundreds of stairs until she reached the rooftop where she stepped off the edge to her death.

Guests at the hotel have reported sighting a full spectrum female apparition, wearing a long white dress not dissimilar to a bridal gown, who stands at the foot of their beds.

As if that is terrifying enough, this ghostly lady stands her ground remaining there sometimes for several minutes, as if awaiting attention, before disappearing.

I can only imagine how guests must literally hold their breath during those moments, which must truly feel like hours.

Paranormal investigators have captured audible EVP (electronic voice phenomena) saying

“They’re just not scared”.

But I don't know about that do you?

Could there be malevolent forces at work here who actually enjoy intimidating the living?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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