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Maggie Wants Her Baby Back Dare You Summon Her | Old Maggies Bridge | Seaford Delaware | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Delaware is filled with some truly frightening, yet fascinating, history.

The State is also home to many claims of the unexplained and /or paranormal.

Old Maggies Bridge on the Nanticoke River, Seaford Delaware, is said to be haunted by Maggie Bloxham who mercilessly murdered here.

Her pregnant, decapitated, body was found strewn across the pathway under the bridge.

It is said that if you stand near the bridge and say “Maggie, I’ve got your baby”, she will fully manifest.

But you have been warned, she might not be happy that you summoned her!

Especially when she sees that you actually don’t have her child.

This entity has been encountered multiple times and is known for getting aggressive and physically pushing people from the bridge.

Proceed with caution and please recognize that if you speak that incantation you may well be authorizing an entity to come through, that’s on you.

Enough to make you think twice about summoning angry Maggie?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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