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Malevolent Entity Inflicts Burn Marks On The Living | The Hotel Julien | Dubuque, Iowa | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Hotel Julien in downtown Dubuque, Iowa, holds almost 200 years worth of history within its walls. The Julien was first erected in 1839 under the authority of wealthy Dubuque merchant Sir Peter Waples who named the hotel The Waples House. In 1983 the venue was renamed The Julien Hotel.

The hotel is famous for its iconic mirrored staircases, 133 lavish guest rooms, award winning Carolines Restaurant, Potosa Spa and luxurious River Boat Lounge all presented in unparalleled decadence.

Abraham Lincoln enjoyed staying at this location whilst en route to Galena, Illinois, also American soldier Buffalo Bill and writer Mark Twain have also enjoyed staying here.

During the 1920 Al Capone used the Julien hotel as a retreat and hideout when things amped up in Chicago during his leadership of the mob. It is rumored Capone had a secret underground garage beneath the hotel and was a close confidant of Peter Waples. 

This grand historical hotel is shrouded in ghost stories with visitors and staff reporting varied accounts of creepy and unexplained phenomena.

Windows have been seen to spontaneously burst open, whilst shadowy silhouettes have been witnessed monitoring the living from dark corners.

Eerie phone calls from vacant rooms, and objects seen to levitate mid air, will often unsettle front desk staff.

A full spectrum apparition resembling Al Capone is seen regularly amidst hallways. He stops and flashes a small, but sure, smile before disappearing as a mist.

Disturbingly there is one specific entity which is known to be malevolent. This spirit has been known to aggressively lash out and guests have described sudden and unexplained burn marks on their hands and arms.

Despite the newly installed geothermal heating systems, guests often complain of sudden temperature change including icy blasts within rooms accompanied by a sensation of someone, or something, standing directly behind them.

The freight elevator has been known to move at unnatural speeds leaving elevator inspection crews completely baffled.

So, whether it’s gourmet cuisine or a glimpse of the paranormal you are seeking, are you prepared to brave the history and hauntings of The Hotel Julien?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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