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Ghostly Funeral Procession at Fort de Chartres Historical Site | Randolph Illinois | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Today Britain celebrate 81 years since The Battle of Britain against Germany.

Let's take a look at one of Americas most notable historical military sites.

Illinois, the Prairie State, has deep historical roots and let's just say its supernatural mysteries are frequently caught by the eyes of those that pass through here.

Welcome to Fort de Chartres.

This historical fort at Prairie du Rochelle in Randolph, Illinois, was originally erected by the French during 1718 as a defence fortification along the Mississippi River. In total there were three stone forts constructed.

In 1763 the Treaty of Paris was implemented which gave Britain full ownership. Officials renamed the site 'Fort Cavendish'. However, in 1772 Britain abandoned the fort and the structures struggled to survive the harsh elements.

Most honourably, in 1913, The State of Illinois purchased the entire site, established it as 'historically significant', and completed full restoration work and even opened a fantastic museum which can be visited today.

However, there have been multiple reports of unexplained creepy paranormal phenomena reported from many visitors. This haunting is not by any means recent and was first witnessed on July 4th 1889 when two local ladies who were walking the nearby river after dark encountered a truly disturbing sight.

They saw an oncoming entourage of horse drawn carriages, following one main carriage which had a coffin in tow, headed right towards them. They noticed that, even though the horses galloped and the people appeared to be shouting, there was no detectable audible sound.

The scene was chillingly silent.

Ever since that night, there have been many reports of the exact same phenomena. However, not every year, just intermittently, yet always on July 4th and only when the moon is full.

This phenomena has become known as The Full Moon Fourth.

It is alleged that this phenomena is linked to the ordered killing of a local man who became involved in an altercation with French officers. The officers killed him and commanded his funeral be held in secret, at midnight. 

Could this horsedrawn procession be that very same funeral being residually re-enacted today by way of supernatural manifestation?

It has been suggested by paranormal investigators, teamed with astrologers and scientists, that judging by past schedules this fascinating phenomena will likely present itself next during 2025.

How brave are you feeling?

Will you be there?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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