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Mass Filled Graves And Sudden Temperature Fluctuation At Dorchester Square | Montreal, Canada | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | BoiCGH

What really lurks amidst the historical City of Saints?

Dorchester Square was completed in 1892 and was originally called Dominion Square.

The square spans an impressive 21,000 square meters across downtown Montreal, Quebec and was named in honor of Guy Carlton, First Baron of Dorchester who preserved French dialects in British North America.

In 1854 this location was used primarily by the Saint Antoine Catholic Church Cemetery during a cholera epidemic. In 1967 the square was divided into two parts, the southern Plas du Canada and the northern Dorchester Square.

Many bodies were since relocated, but many remain, even today there are walkways covered in small crosses commemorating those lost.

The land was inaugurated in 1878 and the Catholic Archdiocese began construction of the nearby The Mary Queen Of The World Cathedral.

However, many patrons today are unaware that the square was actually built atop the St Antoines skeleton filled mass graves. Many were administered with opiates and buried alive in attempts to apprehend a rapid and out of control cholera epidemic in 1832.

Visitors today report a whole host of phenomena including ghostly disembodied mumblings of old prayers, a feeling of extreme unease and unexplainable electrical failure.

Shadowy figures seen peering from hallways, as if searching for something, and misty light anomalies caught on camera have also been witnessed at this location.

Others have described being grabbed and pushed by unseen hands, accompanied by a sudden drop in room temperature.

When there is a shift in temperature around you which is not attributable to natural sources, this may indicate the presence of spirits as they pull on the heat source in attempts to manifest.

This sequence of events may subsequently result in extreme temperature fluctuation.

Today Dorchester Square is open for public use and is a central vision point for a newer modern downtown enterprise.

Have you ever experienced an unexplained temperature drop within a room?

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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