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Moving Artefacts At Haunted Moundville Archeological Museum | Mound State Parkway | Alabama | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Moundville Archeological Museum in Moundville, Alabama, is rumoured to be ‘supernaturally active’.

This site was used originally inhabited by native Mississipian tribes from AD 1000 to AD 1450 and today is a fine educational beacon located on the Black Warrior River which serves to keep Alabama history alive.

Today the site is maintained by the University of Alabama Museums.

However, being so ancient, it comes as no surprise to discover that many have died right here on these battlement hills during war and disaster.

There have been hundreds of reports of strange and unexplained phenomena.

Often encountered are bright glowing orbs of light floating across the sky, described as ‘mesmerising’, the distant sound of tribal drums at night and ghostly phantom horses silently roaming the hills.

Others have detected the pungent, and unmistakeable, aroma of tobacco smoke permeate the air.

One student who came here claimed she saw one of the museum mannequins physically move unaided. She never returned after that!

Visitors often become dizzy, disorientated and confused with some even falling to the ground.

So please, be cautious if you come here.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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