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Welcome To Hell Mouth | Mysticism And Demonic Battle In The Underworld | Urraca Mesa | New Mexico | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Urraca Mesa (mesa meaning ‘elevated flat topped structure’) and in Spain is referred to as ‘table top’.

Urraca Mesa is a phenomenal rock structure, measuring 8,594ft tall, located on the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, owned by the Boy Scouts of America.

At first glance, this is an area of outstanding natural beauty and attracts thousands of visitors every year. But delve a little deeper and you will discover more than just campfire tales.

There are many Native American folklore and legends surrounding this location, the most predominant being that this area is a known ‘gateway’ to demonic realms.

This site is known as Hell Mouth.

The first inhabitants here were the Anasazi tribes who lived here over 900 years. Many died in massacres and battlements. However, there were others who mysteriously disappeared, overnight, without trace.

How is that possible?

Did the darkness take them?

Did they enter the demonic gateway?

The next known settlers here were the Navajo tribes who had many ‘medicine’ men. These were psychics of that day and those men sensed these lands to be ‘evil paths to the underworld’.

It is alleged that there were demonic battles fought on top of the mesa surface and past tribes fought real demons here.

The medicine men (psychics) fought with everything they had to keep those portals tight shut by use of six ancient ‘totems’. Only two of those totems survived and can be seen today.

Visitors and tourists report feeling being watched and followed whilst exploring the Mesa trails.

Apparitions of warriors and otherworldly beasts and monsters have been reported from this location.

Many have stated that this is all just superstition. I have always found that people who shout superstition are the ones who are often most afraid to believe the truth.

All we know is that is a truly mesmerizing place where the skies breathe a certain kind of mysticism.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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