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Nautical Night Mists And Sentimental Spectres At Seguin Island Lighthouse | Phippsburg Maine | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

You won’t believe the hauntings lurking in the shade of the Pinetree State.

Welcome to Maine.

Seguin Island Lighthouse, in Phippsburg, was constructed, and approved by George Washington, in 1795.

Its original frame tower was replaced in 1857.

Several lighthouse keepers have died here but one in particular is still spoken of today.

One lighthouse keeper and his wife who lived here in the mid 1800s.

The keeper enjoyed cigars, yet his wife complained of boredom, just sat watching him monitor the lighthouse night after night. So he purchased a piano as a gift to her.

However, she only knew one song and played it over and over and over again.

He offered to buy her some new and different sheet music, yet she did not take the hint and continued the same song endlessly.

Eventually, the repetitiveness caused the keeper to go mad. He violently snapped, killing his wife right there and then, and completely destroying the piano.

To this day many visitors have encountered the unmistakeable aroma of old tobacco smoke permeating the air.

Coincidence? Or residual haunting?

What do you think.

Another fascinating tale from this lighthouse is that during the mid 1980s a Coastguard officer spent the night here. He had been commissioned to remove some furniture from here to another location.

That Coastguard swore on his life that he saw a full spectrum apparition appear right in front of him, dressed in old oil skin clothing, and say ‘please, please don’t take our furniture, just leave our home alone’.

Other phenomena experienced here include the mysterious night mists and the sounds of whispering disembodied voices, almost as if we are listening in on a conversation via another realm.

Is it possible that this old lighthouse has accumulated spirits from its past?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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