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Never Disrespect The Dead | Whispers In The Dark At Kimball Castle | Gilford New Hampshire | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Kimball Castle in Gilford, New Hampshire, was constructed in 1894 for business man Benjamin Ames Kimball who used it as a summer home.

Sadly, in 1960, the property was abandoned and was often exploited by vandals who horrifically disrespected the place.

The gates were ripped from their posts and valuable original tapestries and paintings stolen from the walls.

The building is now part of Lockes Hill Nature Reserve and there have been countless reports of the supernatural reported from this site.

Could the acts of disrespect and vandalism how somehow angered the spirits who reside here?

How would you feel if someone ransacked your home?

Lack of respect is lack of respect, plain and simple, whatever realm you are in. Spirits are no different, they recognise it.

From apparitions, disembodied footsteps, unnaturally powerful flashes of lights in empty room and even whispering voices echoing through the darkness causing many to literally run from the grounds.

The Reserve today offers an abundance of nature quests and ski-ing trails.

Hike anyone?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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