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Not All Ghosts Are Bad | Childs Spirit Inspires Historical Build | The Leland Mansion And Standford University | Sacramento California | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Just how real are ghosts?

Can they actually effect our lives, our decisions?

I think it is vital that people realise not all spirits are bad or malevolent.

Just like the living, there are good and there are bad.

Sometimes spirits communicate for a good cause, to convey an important message.

If any of our readers have ever experienced a loved one reaching out in spirit I would love to hear from you in our comment section below. This is a richly vast and fascinating topic which i will be researching in depth so any feedback is appreciated.

Read on for a truly astounding story of not only historical, but spirit inspired, roots.

The Leland Standford Mansion in Sacramento, California, was built in 1857.

The original owners of the home, Leland Standford Senior and his wife, tried many years to have children.

After many years they were blessed with a son.

Tragically their son passed away at the tender age of just fifteen years old.

Heartbroken, Leland spiralled into a deep and dark depression.

Some months after the funeral, Leland claimed that one winter night, at the midnight hour, the ghost of his son appeared to him and said "everything you would have given me in life, give to the children of California instead".

After some healing, eventually Leland decided instead to establish a building where he could grant his sons wishes, a place for the children of California.

That building is The Standford University we all know today.

Profoundly historic and truly noble.

We have the spirits to thank for this wonderful establishment.

Not all spirits are bad.

Some are struggling to cross over, others just want to reach out.

Very often there is much fear associated with the mention of spirits or ghosts.

It would be great if that changed.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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