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Objects Levitating And Ghostly Little Girl At The Bush House Museum | Salem Oregon | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Salem (Hebrew meaning ‘peace’).

The Bush House Museum is located at Bush’s Pasture Park and botanical gardens on the historic Asahel Bush Estate in Salem, Oregon.

In 1860 this was home to Reverend Leslie who later sold the land to Asahel Bush, Founder of the Oregon Statesman, who added further extensions in 1882 to accommodate his larger family, including servants wings and outdoor glasshouses for foliage. Bush renamed the home The Bush House.

After Bushs’ death ownership of the home was given to the City of Salem who opened the property as museum. However, there may be more than historical facts hiding behind these walls.

Asehels wifes spirit allegedly haunts the home today. She was placed into a mental institution in life and is believed to have returned back here to the earthly home she so loved in life.

Staff report sighting a little girl, believed to be Bushs’ young daughter Sally, running about the house playfully and seemingly very happy. Many say that Sally seems unaware of her fate, not realising she has passed on.

Visitors have reported objects levitating in mid air and unexplainable icy blasts pass them by.

How would you react if you saw something actively levitating across a room?

Let me know in the comment section below.

The old barn is now an art gallery and the park and museum are open to the public today.

Still want more? Why not check out our book link below for more Oregon hauntings.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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