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Paradise Lost And Found | The Returning Ghostly Hikers | Paradise Inn | Paradise Washington | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Paradise Inn located near Mount Reiner National Park, in Washington, is a historic hotel first erected in 1916. This snowy mountainside inn was earlier known as the Henry M Jackson Visitor centre and later renamed Paradise Inn.

The inn was constructed using locally sourced native timber and officially opened its doors in 1917.

This four storey, 100 guest room accommodation now features a private golf course and even has its own ski slopes.

Staff claim the establishment is actively haunted by what they believe to be the countless souls of past mountain hikers who may have succumbed to the harsh elements whilst exploring the vast mountain ranges. Many explorers would set off, full of enthusiasm, but sadly not all would return.

Phenomena encountered here includes creepy whispers, running footsteps, peering faces and ominous light anomalies.

Are we seeing the faces of those past explorers peering through the spirit realm today?

The most unsettling phenomena experienced are the full spectrum apparitions seen to vanish into thin air, or alternatively walk through walls.

Many have speculated these spirits are lost, i beg to differ.

We know that spirits do not acknowledge or recognise where a building has been renovated or refurbished. So maybe those spirits are simply residually walking where a doorway once way during their active lives.

These spirits know exactly where they are.

They are choosing to be here.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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