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Paranormal Boston | The Cradle Of Liberty Hauntings | Boston, Massachusetts | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The living come and go, momentary creatures checking in and out, but spirits. Well, that is simple, they are here forever - Angela Jane.

Boston, the Cradle of Liberty, is steeped in lore, legend and tales of the paranormal and renowned for its hauntings.

Let’s take a look at some of Bostons most fascinating haunted locations.

What The Dickens - The Parker House

In 1867 Charles Dickens visited this location on a publicity tour when he read the first public reading of A Christmas Carol. He rehearsed his theatrical readings in a suite at the hotel. The mirror he used whilst practising, still hangs in the hotels mezzanine area. Guests have described capturing a creepy and unexplained figure in the mirrors reflection today.

The Spirit Timeslip - Boston Common

The Puritans originally used their common land for barbaric public punishments. So they would throw folks in the wooden stocks for offences such as frivolous dancing and public singing. Repeat offenders were rare as, the second time you were nailed by the earlobes to a board, forever marked as an offender. Third time, it was game over and your head was cut off.

Visitors today frequently encounter walking manifestations of apparitions dressed in era clothing, one lady described how these spectres appeared to be going about their busy routine, almost like a timelip phenomena. One thing the lady did notice was that there was no sound. Their lips were moving, they were engaging in conversation yet no audible sound detected.

The Snapshot Spirits - 261 Washington Street

Another specific spot for an eerie encounter is 261 Washington Street. 

This is now a Falafel King but in 1861 was originally a jewellery engraving studio owned by William Mumler. One summer afternoon, Mumler went out and purchased a brand new polaroid camera. He snapped a shot of himself standling proudly in his brand new store.

Over his left shoulder he noticed a white misty female apparition peering from behind him, yet he recognised the woman. It was his cousin Florence who had passed away 12 years prior. He showed his wife who also confirmed that indeed it was his cousin shown in the snapshot.

Important to consider that this was before the days of photoshop edit.


*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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