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Highly Charged Locations | Paranormal Infestations At Mill Station | Baltimore County, Maryland | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

There are some locations which are highly charged with paranormal activity.

From malicious entities to residual hauntings, history holds them all, with stains of horrific pasts.

Mill Station, a popular shopping mall located in Owings Mills, Maryland, first opened its doors to the public in July 1986 as the Owings Mill Town Center. 

Owings Mills Subway Station opened one year later which ran directly underneath the mall.

This upper class shopping mall is said to be drenched in active hauntings, riddled with ghostly manifestations.

In 1992 Christina Marie Browns body was found in the asphalt undergrowth nearby the shuttlebus tracks just outside the station. She had been shot dead whilst resisting a robbery attempt.

Her body lay lifeless across the Baltimore subway tracks, her purse contained just $120.

News soon spread about the crime and people grew fearful of shopping here.

By 2016 the site sat abandoned. In 2018 refurbishments began, reopening in 2019.

Today the mall offers entertainment, varied stores and dining options.

Visitors to the mall today, claim the site is shrouded in tales of supernatural occurences including ominously flickering lights to doors slamming shut on their own.

Staff have witnessed a full spectrum apparition, of a female matching the description of Christina Brown, with blood on her face, walking the tracks as if seeking help before screaming out a piercing otherworldly cry for help.

Several informal investigations of the mall have yielded disturbing images and unexplained silhouettes captured on camera and exceedingly high EMF (electromagnetic field) readings.

There are things in this world that demand a second consideration. 

It is up to us whether we honor that call.

Have you ever witnessed something you couldn't rationally explain?

If so, I would like to hear from you. Let's chat about the things which so often, at first, seem unexplainable, and maybe together we can find the answers.

Quaerite Veritatem - seek truth.

Please feel free to connect with me via our Boise City Ghost Hunters Live Chat room for anyone interested in further chat, discussion and any questions you may have.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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