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Passion And Bullets | The Love Triangle | Spectres Roam The Historic Plains Hotel | Cheyenne Wyoming | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | BoiCGH

From historical venues still haunted by owners who never truly left, to ghostly officers still protecting their posts. Wyoming is no stranger to the paranormal.

The Historic Plains Hotel in Cheyenne, Wyoming, first opened its doors in 1911 and today is a firm favorite with celebrities and elite, being only a short distance from the Cheyenne Depot Museum and Wyoming State Capitol.

But did you know that this hotel is rumored to be actively haunted by guests from its past?

One summer during the early 1900s, there was a small wedding here. The brides name was Rosie and she wore a blue dress.

Later on into the wedding night, Rosie discovered her new husband in the throws of passion in the arms of another woman.

Heartbroken, and filled with jealous rage, Rosie shot her husband, his lover, and lastly she turned the gun to herself.

Those three spirits are said to haunt the hotel today.

Guests and staff alike have all reported the sounds of phantom gunshot emanating from unoccupied rooms.

Many have encountered three full spectrum apparitions roaming the hallways at night.

One of these apparitions appears to be wearing a blue dress.

Could these be the very spirits of those involved in that tragic love triangle?

They do say that ‘true love never really dies’.

Let’s hope that Rosie finds the peace she needs in order to move on.

The hotel is now listed as a Historic Hotel Of America with the National Trust For Historic Preservation and hosts guided tours.

Let us know if you experience anything you consider to be paranormal.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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