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The Ghostly Frequencies | Psychophony Sound Phenomena In Spanish Town | Zaragoza, Spain | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | BoiCGH

Belchite located in the town of Zaragoza (English Saragossa), North Eastern Spain, is famed for its enchanting folklore and festivals and boasts one of the most arid climates in all of Spain.

Just beyond the Ebro River is the autonomous community of Aragon, its first settlement recorded as far back as 75CE.

In 1122 Alfonso The Battler, King of Aragon, founded the confraternity of Belcite, which was a group of Knights which served until 1136. In 1809, during the Peninsular War, the Battle of Maria was fought between French and Spanish forces near Belcite.

From August to September of 1937 between five and seven thousand, military and civilian, were killed in the battles at Belcite.

Countless lives were lost, bodies were piled up and set alight within villages. Many others perished due to bombs, shooting, executions, thirst, starvation and heat. Of the 3000 who attempted escape from the village, only 80 made it out alive.

In 1938 Francisco Franco, and Nationalist forces, regained control and today the site of the old town stands as both a tourist attraction, and memorial, yet still an eternal reminder of the horrors of war.

Visitors have reported a whole host of ghostly activities from sightings of half formed silhouettes in photographs, audible sounds of gun fire and the unsettling cries of children.

Are these the residual cries of all those children who were killed amidst the carnage of war?

Sounds, known as psychophony phenomena (Spiritism: otherworldly voices), are believed to be noises and voices which operate on other frequencies which the ear cannot naturally detect. These sounds are often recorded, and reported, in Belcite town. 

As always, until scientifically proven, nothing can ever be classed as being paranormal.

Two females dressed in black, walking arm in arm, before disappearing behind old ruins. These are believed to be the two sisters Paulina and Antonia who lived, and died, here.

A ghostly little girl in a white dress is often seen stood atop the belltower, surrounded by larger groups of children, all heard out for help throughout the night.

So is this how those children spent their last moments of life?

What do you think?

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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