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The Entities Pull You In | Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center | Downey California | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Rancho Los Amigos Hospital in Downey, California, was constructed in 1888 and originally built to serve as a poor farm and the southern section housed the mentally ill which later became an insane asylum.

Patients included the homeless and many known as ‘undesirables of society’ which sadly included the elderly and disabled and many would work long hours of labor in exchange for medical care.

When residents passed away their bodies were buried in the nearby Potters Farm.

During the late 1950s, the asylum section was shut down. However, it was never actually demolished, but rather a fence was erected around its perimeters.

Explorers who have visited this abandoned location have discovered the old office furniture still intact, medical files and mummified body parts. A morgue freezer still exhibited sections of human anatomy including pieces of legs, brains and feet.

Strange phenomena is often encountered here including unexplainable cries from the old morgue section and ghostly apparitions peering from broken windows.

Passers by report a 'drawing in' sensation, almost like something forcing them to look towards the direction of the hospital.

A powerful supernatural force which almost pulls you in.

Others have sighted the spirit of an old man hanging from the rafters, believed to be a past patient who hung himself here. Also encountered are a ghostly young couple who just stand there, still, observing trespassers.

Dark winding hallways, creeking floorboards and inquiring eyes hiding in corners.

A truly sinister place.

Today, the hospital is in operation and named Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center, but the asylum is locked, abandoned and unoccupied.

But I suppose that’s a matter of opinion. If you count the spirits, this place is anything but empty.

But why are these spirits still lingering here?

Could it be that these entities never felt quite at home anywhere else but this tragic asylum?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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