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Reaching For The Stars | Idahos Glorious Star Garnets | Emerald Creek, Northern Idaho | Historical | Idaho | BoiCGH

Idaho Panhandle National Forests 

Would you like to have some fun and even take home your very own Idaho Star garnets? Well we have some great news for you. For the first time since the Covid pandemic, Emerald Creek Garnet Recreational dig site at St Maries, Idaho has re-opened!

Here you can sluice for garnets to your hearts content, a true 'garnet in the rough'.

Emerald Creek in Idaho, and India, are the two world exclusive locations where these visually stunning and much coveted 'Star Garnets' can be found. So what an honour it is to live in the great Gem State.

These beautiful deep purple gems are the worlds most valuable garnets. Truly unique and in continuous high demand for jewellery making. Because of a unique material property, the garnets showcase a stunning four or six point reflective ray pattern which is often described as 'mesmerising'.

There are also Star Rubies and Star Sapphires but the Star Garnets are the most sought after as they are rarer.

These natural cabochons can be custom cut, smoothed, polished and prepared by gemstone craftsmen and make astonishing jewellery set pieces.

This recreational dig site is such a fun opportunity suitable for all ages. Why not get the family together and head on down! Friendly staff await you and will provide all the required digging tools. The rest is simple, just have some fun.

Who knows you could be taking a piece of genuine Idaho history home with you, knowing that even small gems create big memories!

Quite literally...history 'in our hands'.

Please share your finds with us in the comment section below. Also, if you are already the proud owner of an Idaho star garnet please share your pics with us below with the tag #mystargarnet

Tickets must be pre purchased via

#historyinourhands #gemstate #thisplacematters #historicalidaho #historicalboise #historicalpreservation 

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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Bones Coffee | Boise City Ghost Hunters Paranormal Research and Investigations

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