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Residual Haunting At The Argonauta Inn Beach House Hotel | Cannon Beach Oregon | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Argonauta Inn is a gorgeous quaint beach house hotel nestled oceanside Cannon Beach Oregon.

It is suggested that Ghengis Hansel, a former guest who stayed here, haunts the hotel today.

Ghengis sought shelter here during the Great Storm of 1952, recorded as one of the strongest storms of the twentieth century with winds recorded as severe as 75pmh. Ghengis mysteriously disappeared one night from his room and never was never seen again.

Staff have described feeling extremely uneasy at night, especially when approaching specific doorways including the room Ghengis had stayed in.

So what really happened to Ghengis Hansel that night of the storm?

Was he swept out to sea?

Many guests believe that, regardless of what took place that night, it’s quite clear where Ghengis is today, they are firmly convinced his spirit lingers right here and some have described his full spectrum apparition aimlessly walking the beach house decks at night.

One family described hearing disembodied voices whilst they were sat alone one night in their fireside suite.

Could this be the echoes of a residual haunting being heard at the Inn today?


*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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