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Residual Party Sounds At Stephen Kings Rose Red Manor House | Thornewood Castle | Lakewood Washington | Historical | Paranormal | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Thornewood Castle, in Lakewood Washington, also known as 'the house that love built' is a historic estate turned Bed And Breakfast. This timeless structure actually part originated from England, United Kingdom.

The home has gained much infamy being the filming location of Stephen Kings televised mini series 'Rose Red'.

In 1907 Sir Chester Thorne, along with his wife and daughter Anita, purchased an Elizabethan manor in England.

The home graced an impressive three acre estate, yet the Thorne family had the whole home shipped, piece by piece, to Washington to be added to a much larger home they had also purchased in America.

It is alleged that the Washington home is today haunted by medieval spirits attached to the building which may have attached from England.

Chester Thorne passed away in 1927 followed by his wife Anna in 1954.

In 1959 the property was sold and subdivided as thirty separate homesteads.

In 2000 the Robinson family opened the building up as a Bed and Breakfast, housing 22 bedrooms, dining area and intricately landscaped gardens.

One of the Thornes grandchildren tragically drowned at the lake adjacent to the home, very often guests describe seeing a very small child running along the shoreline who disappears when approached.

Others claim to have encountered the full spectrum apparitions of Chester and Anna themselves. Anna often manifests in the room which was once her bedroom, now renamed as The Bridal Suite. She wears a high waisted laced dress and flower garland in her hair, overlooking her beloved gardens. This room is particularly known for its high levels of unexplained activity.

During the televised production of Stephen Kings Rose Red series, filming crew at this location described hearing laughter, music, and glasses clinking from unoccupied rooms.

Could these be the residual sounds of a party held here so long ago?

Visitors often report belongings mysteriously going missing, batteries draining at excessive speeds, lightbulbs exploding and sightings of eery dark shadow figures passing by the windows.

It really comes as no surprise that Thornewood Castle is rumored to be the most haunted historical location in Washington.

The Bed And Breakfast is open today and even offers historic and guided tours.

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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